Qigong is like a Mighty Waterfall

It is free streaming energy,

natural and clear,

Without a concern, it is in the

now and just here.

Yet every moment is a new one,

refreshing in its flow,

It pacifies all tension above .. to

a far calmer place below.

Hi, I’m Kail. I run Qigong classes on Monday mornings at the Old Lyonians Centre for the local charity Harrow Carers. Qigong is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which focuses on avoiding health issues proactively, rather than simply treating issues once they have developed (reactively). The mind and body are one unified system, and maintaining good health at both levels is key.

Qigong combines mind and body with the breath – simply and beautifully, it truly is meditation in motion. It is a way of cultivating and balancing the vital energy of all the elements in nature (including us), or life force, known as ‘Qi’ (“chee”). ‘Gong’ (“gong”) describes the continuous cultivation of Qi. According to this system, internal energy requires rebalancing throughout our lives, which is achieved by loosening energy knots that are believed to lead to illness or physical problems.

The practice of Qigong includes moving meditation, slow-flowing movement, deep breathing, with a calm, meditative state of mind. It is a wonderfully mindful, meditative practice that seeks to harmonise energy levels throughout one’s body, to balance it, so it can serve us best in whatever we choose to do in life, and is ideal for all ages.

Qigong uses smooth, graceful, easy-to-learn movements where you flow with little resistance, like water or the breeze, without any stress of seeking perfection. It is an excellent form of complementary self-care; studies have shown that cardiopulmonary, blood pressure, balance, anxiety and immune functions are all appreciably improved through its regular practice. (Source: see Links & Sources).

After a period doing Qigong (body) movements, we do a session of Guided Visualisation, so we can get the mind fully relaxed too, this further enhances the mind-body connection, often to a dreamy place in nature; Guided Visualisations have been shown to improve health and wellbeing – the mind’s ability to use imagination and creativity for wellbeing is truly remarkable (see: Subconscious Mind for more info on this).

We also occasionally use the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – a form of acupressure that uses tapping with the fingertips on a set of select meridian points on the body for relieving issues – as well as seated (and walking) meditation, with all its many health benefits. For overall health and wellbeing, it is now better understood that one has to develop both mind and body together, as the two are one really, for lasting benefit; as the mind often places issues into the body (the tissues).

This special combination of body and mind work as we do it here, is quite unique in this field and fits excellently well as holistic, complementary health practice and therapy .. there’s really nothing quite like it anywhere!

People who first try our class have generally never heard of Qigong (or Guided Visualisation) before, but after a while, their curiosity gives way to enthusiasm as they understand what it’s all about — it’s fun, imaginative and therapeutic. Come and join us soon and see for yourself!

Read what members think about their experience with both therapies:

Classes ..

If you are interested in learning more about Qigong, please email me (see Contact page) or come along to a session soon. It’s held every Monday at the Old Lyonians Centre, starting at 11:45 am and finishing at 1:15 pm. You’ll be most welcome.

Weekly Classes

I currently only run weekly classes for the local charity, Harrow Carers, at their centre on Pinner View; this is only open to registered carers, and is held on Monday lunchtimes.

I run a WhatsApp group for the regular class members, which new members are welcome to join, and I usually ask them after they have been for a few sessions; this is purely voluntary, of course.

I may eventually extend my classes to other charities and community/care centres (even corporates), where there appears to be big demand and interest in this, as they do contact me; however, this will not be for the foreseeable future as I am also a fully licensed and practising Clinical and Analytical Hypnotherapist, which takes up a good deal of my time during the week.

Private Classes

I do not currently offer private, paid-for tuition on either the Qigong or visualisation I do, but this may change in due course. I will change this section if/when that happens. Do contact me if you are interested in 1-2-1 tuition, so I can keep your interest and contact details filed (under GDPR) for when I do offer such an arrangement.

For more insight on how the sessions are run; please click below:

Pics of our class at Harrow Carers can be found on this page; please click below:

ksQigong operates for Harrow Carers, a local charity for Carers’ needs. Click button below to go to their homepage (opens in a separate tab).

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