Respecting the Customer’s Privacy, Dignity and Cultural Differences.

This Privacy Policy outlines how I (as ksQigong) collect, use, store and protect the personal information of my clients; as follows:-

  1. Introduction: This Privacy Policy is to clarify the importance of maintaining client confidentiality and how I do it.
  2. Information Collected: I will collect your details as listed on the Consent & Disclaimer Form. This includes: Full Name, Address, Contact Number, Email, Emergency Contact Name & Number, State of your Current Fitness and any Current Health Issues, Data Handling, Recording and Consent by signature; with responsibility to train with client. I will do a brief assessment of your form and may ask you to clarify any information you have provided, or extra queries around health and your general fitness to participate. I may need to contact you by phone or email (never in person at your address), should I need to ask further questions on the same.
  3. Information Collection Methods: The Consent and Disclaimer Form is usually completed prior to your first class (at the centre), unless the class has begun, then at the end will be acceptable if I am satisfied that you have no serious medical issue that would preclude you from joining in the classes/training.
  4. Purpose of Data Collection: Data is collected for treatment purposes, appointment scheduling and communication. Specifically: (a) check on your health and fitness to practice both sets of holistic therapies (i.e. Qigong and guided visualisation). (b) for contact, including via WhatsApp (optional) or SMS to let you know if there any changes to the classes, (c) to inform you of any health, dietary, supplements, technique advice, (etc.) that have arisen from the classes and only when necessary (rare).
  5. No Conflict of Interest. I will not promote any brand for any equipment that may be needed for any contracted gain to myself as I have no financial links or conflict of interest product or promotional; however I may recommend a brand based on quality and reliability.
  6. Legal Basis: This is based on informed and implied consent, contractual necessity and legitimate interests in relation to these therapies.
  7. Data Retention: Under GDPR rules, client data will be kept for no more than 7 years from the time of obtaining it (the consent and disclaimer form), and will be deleted completely, in both paper and digital form by me if you no longer practice or ask for me to do so.
  8. Data Security: Your Consent and Disclaimer Form will be scanned into my pc, and the contents kept safely on a separate hard drive, which will be kept safely and securely (password), only I will have access details. It will not be stored on the cloud or on anyone else’s storage facility, server or device.
  9. Attendance Record: As the classes are currently run for Harrow Carers, they require that all attendees sign in and out when they turn up for a class, where your Carer Registration number is required; these paper records are kept by Harrow Carers’ management and not by myself. If you wish to find out what they do with it then please contact Adult Classes Managers at Harrow Carers.
  10. Third-Party Disclosure: Your information will never be shared with or used for marketing to other companies (for their products and services selling), or any other reasons. I do ask for you to check with your GP beforehand, or soon after starting, if you have health issues that may need their confirmation that training in Qigong or Guided Visualisation is safe for you to do so. If there is a major health risk arising from your participation to you or someone else in the class, then I reserve the right to contact your GP or another of the emergency services, or health service professional, for their support, guidance or transfer. If this is ever necessary (rare), then I will inform you to whom and about what, for your informed consent so I can then go ahead.
  11. Client Rights: You have the right to a copy of the record(s) I have kept on you (which will only ever be the Consent & Disclaimer Form, note). At any time, you have the right to access, rectify, delete or restrict processing of your supplied information.
  12. Techniques Used: Qigong exercises in these classes shall include movement, stretches, twists and many techniques to relax and focus on breathing, including creative and guided visualisations and resistance bands usage; also, regular advice for improved health; following guided instruction. These classes are a mindful and meditative practice, and are not affiliated to any religious system or technique.
  13. Limitations: the Guided Visualisation session is intended for relaxation purposes only. It is not a medical or therapeutic device and is not intended to predict, nor diagnose, nor treat, cure or prevent any medical illness, condition or disease. You must consult your GP in the first instance.

Important: Kindly note that the views and ideas given by me in this website is for general information only, aimed purely at raising awareness in participants on what constitutes ‘good health’ generally, do check with your GP or other Health Professional what is relevant to you, getting advice where necessary on them before applying any of them to your own situation. Note that this is a complementary therapy that uses holistic (mind-body) union. Note also that (any) health advice is subject to change, as research develops better common understanding.

  1. Informed and Implied Consent:  By signing the Consent & Disclaimer Form, you are providing ‘Informed Consent’ (i.e. with questions to myself at any time), to begin and continue training. That consent is also for data handling and processing by me, for specific purposes only (see above). By attending the classes thereafter, this is known as ‘Implied Consent’ on your part to engage in training consistent with previous sessions (otherwise we would have to sign a contract form each week); this is to streamline the provision of exercises and guidance.
  2. Complaints Procedure: If you have any questions, issues or concerns about the training I provide, including data handling and privacy, please do contact me in the first instance (via Contacts page, after a class or by phone), and I can explain and hopefully answer your question(s), or look into it and get back to you, if necessary.

Important: Should you have a specific complaint about any matter relating to me or ‘ksQigong’, then again please contact me directly and I will speak with you about it in an amicable and professional manner, in total privacy and confidentiality. You have the right to make a complaint at any time but I would be grateful for the chance to discuss it with you before you seek other channels; as is the normal expectation on complaints procedures generically, kindly note. I am, of course, always open to positive as well as constructive feedback, and will take such advice on board as may be found necessary for the benefit of the sessions and the class members, generally. I appreciate and welcome your co-operation in this regard.

  1. Updates: This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time but you will be notified of changes with advance notice.
  2. Contact Information:

Email =  Tel: 07802 787 087

  1. Legal Compliance: This practice complies with relevant privacy laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union/UK (2016) and Data Protection Act 2018. I am an ICO member, as a registered keeper of client information.

This site was created by Videoimagenie-web, which is my own company (sole). The logo and brand name is also my own work.